The main character in this film is Radriar, previously Robert Adams. We learn through narration of his backstory; how he took his own life to end the eternal torment of losing his daughter to gang violence. Yet he was faced with a choice in purgatory, either spend his afterlife roaming the underworld for salvation or return to earth to seek revenge and rid the world of those who destroy and kill.

Once he has returned from purgatory Robert Adams is known as Radriar The Harbinger of Salvation. To show his journey from purgatory one of Radriars props will be these contact lenses that make him appear not human.

I am basing this character off of a number of influences. In terms of films, one of these influences is Paul Bettany who played the Guardian Angel in the film
Legion Paul Bettany plays an angel, rebelling against a wrathful god in order to save humanity from eternal damnation. His character is mysterious, intriguing and very violent. However his mannerisms make his violence seem purposeful and righteous which is what i am hoping to convey in my thriller opening in the fight scenes.

Another influence i am using is actually from a video game called
In this game the protagonist (in the left of the photo) is Alex Mercer.
A normal guy who wakes in the basement of a genetic engineering corporation's headquarters. As a plague hits Manhattan where he is located, he discovers he can shape shift to survive as more and more people become infected.
I like this character as he relates to Radriar very well. They are both out for revenge as they have both lost something. In Alex Mercer's case its his humanity. As well as this they were both normal men before this life changing event happened.
For Radriar's costume i want it to be something dark and almost militaristic. Thus i have chosen these items of clothing for him to wear;

Each of these pieces of clothing add to radriars overall image. The hooded leather jacket, black jeans and dark boots will create an air of menace about him. Coupled with the coloured contacts, Radriar will look extremely threatening.
Yet underneath this dark, violent exterior is a crisp, ice white shirt where he will keep a locket/ picture of his daughter. This will represent his pure cause that is encased in his murderous exterior.
Along with these items of clothing, a facescarf and gloves will be used to cover Radriars hands and face so that only his eyes and a small portion of his face can be seen.
Maria (The Daughter):

Maria is going to Robert Adam's (Radriars) daughter. We don't see too much of her as she sets up the cause for revenge. She is just a normal school girl but unfortunately whilst walking home early from a party, she is grabbed, mugged and eventually killed for screaming and struggling. These scenes are shown as flashbacks in Radriar's mind.
I based this character on Ophelia Lovibond's role in London Boulevard. In London Boulevard she plays a women named Penny; a somewhat naive and fragile girl who seems to get herself mixed up in the wrong crowd. I think this relates very well to Maria as with this character i want to convey a fragility and helplessness which makes the murder appear a lot worse.

For her costume, as she is only in one brief scene, she is going to be wearing jeans, a leopard print coat and an interestingly designed shirt. Similar to this: ------------------------->
This will allow the audience to infer that she has come back from a party of some sort and that she is on her way home to safety but she ends up getting attacked.
One of her props will be handbag, which the muggers will steal, and a phone which she will use to make her final phone call.
Main Mugger
When Radriar goes to seek revenge on those who killed his daughter he finds one of many gangs that he will meet in the film. As the narration ensues there is going to be a leader of the pack of muggers who will mock and aggravate Radriar which will eventually result in their demise.

I did not know of any suitable characters in films that can relate to this character however his character is not developed very much in the two minute opening.
For his costume though he will be wearing items of clothing similar to this:
He will also be wearing trainers.
Props for the mugger will include cigarettes and a fake knife.