The person who will be playing Radriar is called Tristan Carman. I chose Tristan for a couple of reasons:
- His build is great as he has very broad shoulders which give him an air of strength about him. As well as this they fill out the jacket part of his costume very well.
- He has a very deep voice which is fantastic to listen to for narration and makes him sound very wise.
- he is a good physical actor and i think he will perform well with choreography
Although he looks fairly young, in most of the scenes you wont see much of his face as it will be covered by a scarf and hood. As well as this some make up will be used to give his skin a grey/blue tint so he appears cold and inhuman.
The actor who will be playing Maria is called Francesca Forrestal. I chose her for these reasons:
- She is an absolutely fantastic actor with lots of experience and enthusiasm which will be lovely to work with.
- She has a great piercing scream that is very haunting and will be used to great effect in my piece.
- She is of a very slim build which makes her appear delicate. This is useful for Maria's characterisation as she is supposed to seem helpless and weak.
- She is quite young looking so it will look as if she could be a daughter of somebody's.
Finally, the person who will be playing the main mugger is called Joe Kelly. I chose him because of these reasons:
- He has a fairly strong accent that is perfect for his character.
- He has great physicality in the way he walks that creates a sense of danger about him.
- he is quite tall which will create a great contrast between him and Radriar and it'll be even more interesting when we see the power balance shift from the mugger to Radriar.
- He is quite athletic and knows how to move well which will be helpful in the fight scenes.
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