Monday, 10 December 2012

Shot list of Reckoning

Number Cut Shot Type Visual Content Sound Lighting Actors on screen
1 Fade to black - Ident - - -
2 Fade in ECU Radriar’s hands caressing a locket/ picture Sound of wind blowing, slow sombre music used Natural lighting- shot in the middle of the day Tristan
3 Straight cut LS Girl walking down a dark street Sound of her footsteps heard, diegetic sound of cars. Battery lights used just to brighten the surroundings Francesca
4 Straight cut ECU Hands continue to caress the locket. Music getting louder Natural Tristan
5 Straight cut MS, tracking shot Flashbacks of girl walking down the street getting darker Diegetic sound slightly muted, only her footsteps and breathing heard Low key lighting Francesca
6 Straight cut LS Girl walks past an alleyway, two hands grab her into the alleyway out of shot Music stops, all sound is dimmed and a slight ringing is heard before she is grabbed. Battery lights used to light her from down the street Francesca
7 Straight cut ECU Hands clench over the locket The sound of screams and punches being thrown are heard. Natural Tristan
8 Straight cut CU A struggle that is difficult to see Sound of punches and muffled screams Natural, very dark lighting Francesca, Joe
9 Straight cut CU A hand flopping to the floor while two out of focus people run off Sound of a knife unsheathing, screams stop. Low key lighting, Francesca, Joe
10 Fade to black LS slowly zooming in Our hooded main character looking out over a city Narration begins, music of heavy booming drums used at the start of every fade Natural lighting, filter used for brightness. Tristan


Fade to black

MS to over shoulder shot

Main character closer looking out over the city

Narration continues, music grows louder

Natural lighting, filter used…

12 Fade to black LS Man in a glass box on the side of a building Narration continues; talking about the “scum of the earth” Upward lighting in box to create shadows Tristan
13 Fade to black LS Man in glass box grabbed from behind and dragged out of view of the camera Narration temporarily stops after “it is my quest to purge this earth…” Upward lighting in box used Tristan, joe
14 Straight cut MS tracking shot Main character walking down a darkened street, hood up Faster paced and angry music kicks in. Low key Tristan
15 Straight cut Long shot Shows a well lit alleyway with three muggers smoking and drinking Diegetic sounds of the muggers conversation and background noise Low key Joe+ extras

16 Straight cut MS Radriars torso is out of focus and the muggers are in focus. They stop and look at him. Music starts to grow louder Low key Tristan and Joe
17 Straight cut MS The main mugger straightens his hood and approaches radriar Small amount of dialogue, music continued Low key Tristan Joe
18 Straight cut LS Camera switches to the muggers POV, Radriar has his head lowered Music dims slightly, diegetic noise is dimmed Low key Tristan Joe
19 Straight cut LS Camera angle moves behind the muggers as they approach Radriar asking for his wallet Dialogue from the muggers Low key Tristan, Joe
20 Straight cut CU Radriar raises his hand, the muggers are still in shot but out of focus Music dims further Low key Tristan, Joe
21 Straight cut MS Muggers look confused, stop briefly then go towards him again Music is gone now and background noise is drowned out Low key Tristan Joe
22 Straight cut CU Radriars hand flickers and two of the three muggers fall to the floor unconscious SFX of a bass 'pulse' used. Muggers grunt in pain Low key Tristan joe
23 Straight cut MS The third mugger backs away on his knees as Radriar approaches him Epic and dramatic music kicks in as the mugger backs away Low key Tristan joe
24 Straight cut MS Camera switches to the back of radriar approaching as the mugger begs for his life Musiic grows louder as the mugger begs for his life Low key Tristan joe
25 Straight cut CU The mugger stops backing away and asks “who are you?” Music reaches a climax then dies down very suddenly before the question Low key Tristan joe
26 Straight cut ECU Camera focuses on Radriars eyes which are red and demonic Music goes very quiet for the final scene Low key Tristan joe
27 Straight cut CU Radriars hand produces a flick knife SFX of a knife unsheathing used Low key Tristan joe
28 Fade to black

Black screen with the words “I am Radriar” on it. - - -

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